How to Calm a Dog During Fireworks | Weedness CBD


How to Calm a Dog During Fireworks


Fireworks can be stressful and a bit frightening to dogs. As a guardian of these animals, you must know how to calm a dog during fireworks to make them feel safe and secure. 


Dogs are scared because they possess a delicate sense of hearing and, due to instincts, to avoid such loud noises. Extremely loud bangs and flashes, as experienced by fireworks, make the dogs overcome with lots of fear; hence, they cause anxiety and stress. That is why it is essential to calm your dog during such events.


Do you know why dogs are afraid of fireworks? If not, keep reading to understand what home remedies are for dogs scared of fireworks and anxiety symptoms.

Home Remedies for Dogs Scared of Fireworks

  • Best home remedy for dogs scared of fireworks: Calming aids are one of the common types. Common types include pheromone diffusers, sprays, and collars. Other supplements involve ingredients recommended to reduce anxiety and induce calmness. 

  • Creating a safe space and a cozy atmosphere may also help your dog. This could involve a small room or a crate—naturally, fenced in with soft bedding and familiar toys. It can also be a Thundershirt or anxiety wrap on your dog to apply gentle pressure all over its body.

  • It also helps to give extra exercise and mental stimulation before the fireworks begin. A tired dog will more likely go to sleep and rest during the fireworks. You can also distract them with interactive toys or a puzzle feeder.

  • Finally, keep your composure and be positive yourself. Dogs can read our emotions, so if we are anxious or stressed, it will increase their fear. Stay relaxed and reassured with plenty of praise and treats for their calm behavior.

Calm your dog during fireworks with these quick, effective tips for reducing stress and anxiety.

Why Are Dogs Afraid of Fireworks?

Dogs fear fireworks due to sensitive hearing and an instinct to be wary of loud noises. The booms and flashes of fireworks can be too overwhelming for dogs, triggering anxiety and instilling great fear in them. Dogs may also learn how these sounds can be associated with punishment - for example, being left alone or receiving a scolding - which only makes the fear worse.

How Do You Keep a Dog During Fireworks?

Think of a safe and sound place for your dog around fireworks. You should also set up a quiet, partially enclosed area like a crate or small room with soft bedding and a few of your dog's favorite toys. Establishing the area with unique pheromone diffusers, sprays, and CBD for pets or collars would be best. Also, being calm and positive when dealing with your dog is essential.

Calm your dog during fireworks with these quick, effective tips for reducing stress and anxiety.

Dogs feel our emotions, so if you are anxious or stressed, it can fuel their fear. Be calm and reassuring with praise and give treats for demonstrating placid behavior. If your dog is nervous or anxious, consider using calming supplements and treats made with such natural compounds as chamomile, melatonin, and L-tryptophan.

Finally, exercise and mentally stimulate your dog before the fireworks start. A tired dog is less anxious and more likely to rest during the fireworks. To help fight your dog's nerves, try distracting your dog with interactive toys or puzzle feeders to stimulate their minds.

Be Aware of Dog Fireworks Anxiety Symptoms

Such symptoms include shaking, panting, pacing, hiding, excessive barking or whining, and acts of destruction. Some dogs also demonstrate loss of appetite, diarrhea, or even aggression. So, the key is to identify these signs and take steps to make your dog more comfortable.
Calm your dog during fireworks with these quick, effective tips for reducing stress and anxiety.
Use Calming Supplements: For the anxious, consider calming supplements such as cannabinoids or treats with chamomile, melatonin, or L-tryptophan. This is another way to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

If you are wondering what to give if your dog is anxious, dive below to check the pointers!

What Can I Give My Dog to Calm Him Down from Fireworks?

The following are among the choices for how to calm a dog down during fireworks shows. Typically, there are:

  1. Calming aids

Pheromone diffusers, sprays, or collars can release calming scents to help soothe your dog. These are an excellent, completely safe, and natural way to help ease anxiety.

  1. Calming Supplements

Nutritional supplements or treats containing natural ingredients such as chamomile, melatonin, or L-tryptophan can help soothe a dog and reduce anxiety. Always consult with your veterinarian before administering new supplements to your dog.

  1. Anxiety Wraps

You can use ThunderShirts or anxiety wraps to apply gentle pressure that seems to calm the dog's body. This can be another reasonable effort to make your dog feel more secure during fireworks.
Calm your dog during fireworks with these quick, effective tips for reducing stress and anxiety.

  1. Use CBD to Calm Your Dog 

Pets can safely consume hemp and CBD products, which may help ease discomfort. Veterinarians have seen that CBD, for example, can help dogs with chronic arthritic pain walk more easily. According to ongoing studies, CBD for dogs may also help reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures. 

Calm your dog during fireworks with these quick, effective tips for reducing stress and anxiety.

Note: For dogs and cats, the standard dosage is one to five milligrams of CBD for every ten pounds of body weight. The quantity of CBD to provide should be determined by reading the label rather than focusing on the volume of the product, as potencies differ between CBD products.

  1. Prescription Medications

In extreme cases, the veterinarian can prescribe anti-anxiety medicines or sedatives to help the dog cope with the fireworks. Adhere to professional recommendations and prescriptions.

How Do You Train a Dog to Ignore Fireworks?

Invest in a CD with fireworks sound effects and some delicious goodies to reward your dog when it becomes desensitized to the sound of pyrotechnics. These training sessions should be held several times daily, although for brief intervals. This is known as desensitization.


Remember, all dogs are different, so what works on one will not necessarily work on another. A bit of trial and error may be needed to find your furry friend's most effective calming method. Always consult your veterinarian if you have concerns about your dog's behavior or well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. Does covering a dog's ears help when it comes to fireworks?

While this may help muffle the fireworks' noises, it will not necessarily eliminate them. There are still dogs that can perceive the fireworks' loud noises, and the earmuff may cause the dog additional discomfort and stress.


  1. What is the reason why dogs are scared of fireworks? 

Dogs get scared of fireworks because they have good hearing and an instinct to run from sharp noises. The loud bangs and bright flashes of fireworks are overpowering and scary, invoking fear and stress in dogs.


  1. Do fireworks hurt dogs' ears?

Fireworks may indeed cause dog ears to ache. Dogs' ears are significantly more sensitive than ours. The intense noise produced by fireworks may be physically taxing on our dogs. As a result, the loud noise may permanently harm them as they are sensitive.