CBD Products | CBD Gummies, Topicals & Oils | Weedness CBD








lang oriol
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Compre el aceite de 20% tras la recomendación de un amigo. Lo compre principalmente por los problemas que tenia para dormir. Empece con 2-3 gotas antes de irme a la cama y desde la primera noche ya note el efecto. Me levante super bien descansado! Algo que no podía conseguir hace mese ni tomando medicina. Un 10! Lo recomiendo!

lang Lorena Hernández Pérez
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Very good experience. Excellent product and great service and attention received. Thank you very much!

lang Cristina
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Excellent both the Cbd oil and the attention received. The quality of my sleep has improved with fewer nighttime awakenings and the feeling of being deeply rested. I will definitely continue to use it

lang Jordi Torrent Beneito
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100% recommended A top quality and effective product. Disdain the first day I started my sleep was deeper. I finally feel like I'm getting up rested!

lang Celina Quesada
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I really liked CBD oil. They had talked to me very well about CBD to improve the quality of sleep and that's why I decided to try it and the truth is that I'm delighted. Also the attention because I did not know the dose I had to take, I made the consultation and they solved it super fast. Thank you! I totally recommend it.

lang Alejandro Bastida Díez
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I didn't know about CBD products but the quality of this brand has made me fall in love. They have some of the lowest prices I've seen and better quality than virtually everyone. I highly recommend Weedness products both if you have difficulty sleeping and if you need your body to rest after a physical or mental effort, they have worked incredibly well for me!!

lang Mario Alfredo Farina Seva
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I bought this oil for my grandmother since she had constant pains in her legs and that led her to sleep badly and swallow a lot of pills. He has been asleep for 5 days without discomfort. For me the most important thing is that he has been able to remove the drugs and the best of all that has been with natural medicine. Looking forward to trying the rest of the products.

lang Menxuh Na Mas
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I loved CBD oil, it helped me feel more relaxed, very good product, I recommend it to everyone!

lang Joan Bretones Bellmunt
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Increíble lo que me ha ayudado os lo recomiendo de corazón. Me encuentro actualmente en pleno diagnóstico de posible enfermedad reumatoide y tuve un pico horrible en el que no podía ni caminar por la inflamación de una rodilla. Desesperado por el dolor decidí optar por productos naturales además de mi tratamiento que me estaba haciendo tan mal como bien y la verdad es que después de oír tanto hablar de él y me lo recomendarán...me decante por el aceite! Con la primera semana después de las primeras tomas de CBD aunque no me lo curo absolutamente porque se debe a algo crónico(porque no existe nada mágico) pero sí mejoró muchísimo y lo note en el agarrotamiento del músculo podía moverme muy ligeramente mejor la rodilla. NNo podía creermelo no esperaba notar nada tan rápido por poco que fuera. Por cierto el qué tomo es el de 20%. También he notado el efecto en la ansiedad me he dado cuenta de que hace tiempo que no sufro ataques que habitualmente padezco ya os digo la verdad es que me ha sorprendido para bien. En definitiva es mano de Santo. Si tenéis alguna duda en comprarlo hacerlo no os vais arrepentir y ganareis en calidad de vida como me ha pasado a mi!

lang carlos jimenez martin
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Essential I had trouble resting and recovering from workouts from the first day with the right dose improved the quality of my sleep even some discomfort that I had been dragging for a while. Very happy and surprised with the 100x100 recommended result.

lang Jordi
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A great discovery! He hadn't rested well for months and was dragging muscle discomfort due to the stress of training and it has been trying Weedness CBD and feeling that perfect rest and recovery for the next workout! Not to mention that the discomfort has disappeared! I recommend it 100%!

lang Patricia
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I am delighted. I have tried CBD oils from different brands and none like this. I really like all their products and unlike others they have an effect. Highly recommended.

lang Javier Martín Sánchez
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I will buy again without hesitation!! I tried cbd oil from other brands and nothing to do with this brand. This quality is superior to the rest and the unbeatable price is giving me very good results for my daily well-being since at work I suffer from a lot of stress. I recommend it 100%, I will buy it again without hesitation.

lang Noelia Romero Martinez
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I have been taking 20% CBD for 15 days 3 drops at night and I have noticed that I wake up clearer. I had the problem that my hands were shaking a lot and when I was nervous more intensely and since I took CBD I have stopped noticing that tremor and in situations of more stress I take it and after 10 minutes I relax and stop shaking. I recommend it 100%

lang Tayger
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Puedo decir con honestidad que el producto tiene el efecto deseado y funciona. Compre varias unidades del 30% y con 1 gota sublingual 30minutos despues de comer cuando empieza a hacer efecto se puede notar la relajacion o reduccion de ansiedad llevandonos a un mejor descanso y estilo de vida Tambien se de una amiga que lo utiliza con un caso de sindrome de down con 4 gotas a conseguido reducir los espasmos musculares pudiendo asi reducir hasta quitar algunos medicamentos con principio activo. Ya era hora que llegara la era de las plantas de conocer y aprovechar las propiedades terapeuticas que la madre tierra nos ofrece y dejar de potenciar la riqueza y mafia de las grandes farmaceuticas. Recordad tambien que la tolerancia de una planta nunca sera tanta como la que se adquirira con un principio activo ya que el quimico siempre queda mas tiempo en sangre y cuesta de eliminar dejando posibles pequeños residuos en el organismo. Gracias a la marca y su creador por el trabajo realizado y que pueda ofertarnos muchos mas productos como los aceites!!

lang denisse Osorio Perez
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An amazing product. I work at night and my sleep is quite disturbed either when I have to sleep during the day or when I read and sleep at night I have started taking CBD 30% which is the strongest and I sleep better every time either when I have to sleep during the day or at night when I wake up I feel that I have rested and I do not wake up constantly as I did before. For me, a mind-blowing producer. I sleep better, it relaxes me and I wake up like a rose.

lang Miguel Sanz Castelló
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CBD without THC. I have used several CBDs there have been some that have been effective but this makes the difference. Very happy with the product.

lang Álvaro J.
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Good product, I recommend it for recovery. I prefer a natural and effective product to other more artificial things. The price is very good

lang Oscar Balmon Longares
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I have a scema last night before going to bed I had a fairly imposing welt on my chest so I remember that my partner takes the droplets to rest better and I decided to put on my chest the surprise was in the morning when I saw that the scema had decreased in intensity without being almost noticeable. Very happy, really.

lang Aránzazu
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100% recommended. Unbeatable quality product. I have tried others but none like this.

lang Rocio
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After using the oil for a month and a half due to anxiety and to improve recovery, I can say that it works 100% I was a little suspicious of this type of supplement because there are many deceptions and most of the time it is not cannabidiol oil But it's effective and good. I also had a knee dislocation and I have been using the cold effect gel and I have also noticed an improvement in inflammation It is fortunate to have brands as good as this one in Spain.

lang Alex Contreras Lopez
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Bueno tengo que decir que aquí lo usamos toda la familia. El de 20% Yo para los dolores de estómago y para dormir me va genial. Tengo que añadir que tengo un perrito malo con las encías inflamadas y rojas y nos dio por disolver una gota en un poquito de agua removerlo y se la untamos en las encías.... Y el resultado fue expactacular y al instante. Tambien cabe añadir que Disolvi os la gota en agua dado a su alto porcentaje Y que lo recomendado es un 25 y un 5. Y mi mujer para las menstruaciones. Así que muchas gracias a vosotros porque nos da un impulso positivo a toda la familia.

lang Cristian
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Nunca a había creído en esto también desconocía sus características por lo que nunca había probado este producto. Fue un amigo quien me recomendó el “oil CBD” a causa de que sufro el problema de que me cuesta mucho conciliar el sueño y tener un descanso óptimo; tan solo el primer día que ingerí la dosis ya fue una noche gloriosa noté un descanso enorme mientras empezaba a estar dormido sentía una fuerte relajación muscular mientras conciliaba el sueño... pues dormí toda la noche del tirón y muy relajado incluso mi Apple Watch me lo verifico cuando revise mi descanso en el programa. 100% recomendable no existe sobredosis te ayuda a descansar y es totalmente natural. Mis felicitaciones a este producto.

lang Noelia Pega
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Lo recomiendo!! Compre el aceite de 20% por recomendación de mi pareja para el tema del descanso a la hora de irme a dormir y la verdad que funcionó me voy muy rejalada y a la hora de despertar me levanto con más energía y mejor lo recomiendo al 100%.

lang Ana Maris
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Aceite 10%. Soy muy ansiosa y de verdad que me ayuda bastante durante el día estoy mucho mas tranquila y por las noches llego dormir horas seguidas antes tomaba medicina pero el dia siguiente estaba con fatiga y sin ganas de hacer nada y tampoco llegaba tener un sueño profundo. El aceite de CBD es lo mejor a parte es natural estoy muy contenta con los resultados! Gracias!

lang Ormy
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Probé el de 20%. Me encanta este producto a mi me ha venido muy bien para el periodo menstrual. Los cólicos desaparecen como si de un Ibuprofeno se tratara la diferencia es que esto es completamente natural y eso siempre viene mejor!! Sin duda para estos días se ha convertido en mi mejor amigo... Las chicas entenderán de lo que hablo 😊

lang M Carmen Garcia
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Mi hija se compró el aceite del 30% para probar si funcionaba para los dolores de la menstruacion y la verdad que sus dolores han disminuido y aparte se levanta con mucha más energía y decidí de probarlo porque tengo dolores de rodilla y verdaderamente e notado mejoría asique nos los tomamos toda la familia!! La verdad que lo recomiendo!!

lang Francisco Pedrosa Leiva
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Fantastic! Lately I have seen many ads for CBD and its properties I did not think it would work until I decided to buy a 10% oil to try the truth is that I am delighted since I am taking it the pains I had in the knees and in the back are disappearing I find myself with more energy the truth is that I recommend it is fantastic

lang Leonardo Ianniccheri
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100% RECOMMENDED! My main problem was not only sleeping but during the night I woke up constantly. Since taking 3 drops of this product a few minutes before going to bed, my sleep is deeper and of better quality. I finally wake up more rested and with more energy. I recommend it!

lang Carolina
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30% CBD totalmente recomendable!! Sin duda lo recomiendo soy una persona que sufro ansiedad además de ser hiperactiva y tener dolores musculares por la tensión de todo el día. Empecé medicándome bajo la recomendación de mi médico cada vez voy tomando menos medicamento gracias que desde que he probado el 30% de CBD me tomo con más tranquilidad las cosas me siento más despejada y me levanto nueva todos los días ya que antes las noches eran un infierno el estar noches constantemente dándole vueltas a la cabeza y no descansar me levantaba ya estresada y de mal humor estaba con una sensación de fatiga y ahora sentir la tranquilidad el bien estar durante el día y a la hora de dormir gracias al CBD me ha mejorado mi día a día. 100% recomendable!!!!!!!

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10\10. Due to the confinement I began to notice anxiety chest pain insomnia... On the recommendation of a friend I started taking the oil 10% and noticed improvement very quickly. Now that the worst is over, I continue to take why I notice an improvement in rest that I did not have before. I RECOMMEND 100%.

lang Maria Julia Blanco Sanchez
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Chronic back pain. I have chronic back pain and I am taking 20% CBD honestly it has improved my pain I wake up better every morning. I would definitely advise people. Thank you.

lang Jorge
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100% recommended. In these times I was on edge and anxious and since I have tried the drops rest at night and the days are much more bearable. Totally recommended

lang ana albert rico
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I am very happy with this product. I use it to go to sleep and immediately fall asleep! Excellent product

lang David
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Very happy with this product I am a person who has a hard time sleeping and with this I relax right away and I get to have a deep sleep I recommend 100x100 the best brand that I have tried without a doubt

lang Nil
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After trying it for 3 days, I already noticed a better rest and muscle relaxation. I had a hard time sleeping and now I wake up again

lang Fran Soler Arces
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I finally have the oil before I used it in Switzerland and now I can buy it here thanks to you it helps me sleep and take away my anxiety with only 3 drops of 30% thanks

lang Karen Eliana Jimenez Sanchez
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Those who try them again and keep all the 100% recommended products help me with anxiety pains and to sleep the maximum and not to mention the pre- and post-workout with the spectacular creams. Excellent products thanks Weedness CBD

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I am a waiter after long days of work rest and recovery well. The oil I use 30% has become indispensable for me.

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Buy 30% natural oil I am very satisfied! I recommend it!.

lang Lucas Díaz
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Excellent product buy the gel and oil in quick delivery promotion I am already noticing how it improves my sleep and the relief I feel in the areas that I have pain highly recommended.

lang Manuel
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Very good product! Fast delivery

lang GG
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Excellent products. Weedness CBD oils have greatly improved my overall anxiety and stress level. I love using the Heat Gel before training. It has helped me prevent muscle cramps and aches due to poor pre-workout preparation.

lang Noelia Pedrosa
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Natural green cream!! I have been trying the natural green cream for 1 week due to cervical problems and no other cream had worked for me until I tried this anti-inflammatory, the smell is very pleasant, it has a calming effect that makes me feel good during the day and at bedtime I throw it back on giving myself a light massage, I recommend it!!!

lang Lucas Esteban Diaz Fernandez
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Excellent product buy the gel and oil in quick delivery promotion I am already noticing how it improves my sleep and the relief I feel in the areas that I have pain highly recommended.



Allycia Helen Rodriguez

Muay Thai

ONE Championship World Champion

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🥇🥇 Two-times champion Cearense

🥇 Portuários Stadium Championship 

🥇 High kick Championship

🥇 Sip Sam Tournament Champion 

🥇 Miracle Festival World Champion 

 🏆3x ONE championship World Champion


Gina Contel

BJJ Fighter

Weedness CBD oils have greatly reduced my overall anxiety and stress levels. I like to use the Warm Up Sports Gel before training. It has helped me prevent muscle cramps and soreness due to poor pre-workout preparation.

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2011 🥇European

2015 🥇World Pro Abu Dhabi

2016 🥉World , 🥇🥇🥇Spanish National , 🥇🥇Asian Open

2017 🥈World No-Gi, 🥉European

2018 🥇World Masters, 🥉European, 🥇World No-Gi, 🥇🥇🥇🥇 Spanish National

2019 🥇🥈World No-Gi, 🥇World Masters, 🥈Europan , 🥉European No-Gi, 🥈Brazilian National

2020 🥇 European Master

2023 🥇 European Master, 🥇ADCC Spain


Nayanesh Ayman

Muay Thay, K1 Fighter

The products are incredible, especially the anti-inflammatory creams before and after my workouts and the recovery oil at night.

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Profesional Muay Thai:

Total Fights 89, 66 Wins (30KO) 7 Draws, 16 Lost

🥇European K1

🥇Spanish Champion K1 and Muay Thai

2018🥇Clash of Titans KLF 63


Tamara Toros

BJJ Fighter

The best option to reduce stress and anxiety! High quality products with amazing results. I love that there are several flavors and options available to choose from.

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2019 🥇European kids IBJJF

2020 🥇European Juvenile 1 Champion IBJJF

2021 🥇 UAE Nationals Juvenile Champion UAEJJF

2021 🥇 Brazilian Nationals Juvenile 2 Champion CBJJF

2021 🥇 AJP Portugal UAEJJF, 2021 🥇World IBJJF, 2021 🥇World Pro Champion

2022 🥇European IBJJF, 2022 🥇 Pan American Champion, 2022 🥇Dublin Open,

2022🥇Brasilian Champion, 2022🥇🥇🥇London Open GI, NO GI Champion, 

2022 🥇Word Pro Champion, 2022 🥇London Gran Slam Champion

2023 🥇 AJP Abu Dhabi, 2023 🥇JJIF World Champion, 2023 🥇 Kimura Champion,

2023 🥇 European NO GI IBJJF






John Jader

Box Pro

I am very happy with these products, optimal results for both muscles and rest, I recommend it to anyone who does sports or leads a busy life.John Jader

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PRO Boxing: 9 Fights 9 Wins 5(KO)

🏅4Years in the Spain Selection

🏆Récord Spanish K1 : 40 Fights 39 Wins

3x🥇Spanish Champion

🥇1 World Boxing Championship

2016🥇Spanish K1 Champion

2018 🥇Campion of Boxam



Gustavo Galvao

BJJ Fighter

I had hip replacement surgery 6 months ago, CBD oil is helping me a lot with my recovery. The scar healed perfectly and in the second week I was doing my first physiotherapy sessions thanks to the healing effect of CBD. I have had the injury for many years and already had several surgeries before, but the experience with the oil in my last intervention was completely different for the better. I highly recommend! Thank you so much Weedness CBD I am very happy with my recovery.

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2004 🥇(por equipes) Brasil CBJJ

2007 🥇Panamericano CBJJE

2009 🥉CBJJE

2012 🥇Brazilian team European

2016 🥇Asian Open IBJJF

2017 🥇🥇🥇🥉Germany National, 🥈British National

2018 🥉European IBJJF, 🥇🥇Spanish National


Multiple times European Opens Champion


Mikel Fernandez

Muay Thay

When I prepare for every competition my training is extremely hard and thanks to WEEDNESS CBD products my recovery is much faster and more complete. Thanks to the team for always take care of me and my body.

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🥇Champion Rajmadamnern Stadium

🥇Champion IFMA

🥇Champion Combats Games

🥇 3 x Spanish Champion

🥇Champion FEKM


Fabyury Freitas

BJJ Fighter

Best product to improve my performance. Im using the products of WEEDNESS CBD to improve my sleep and recovery and can say that they are great. Thanks a lot to the team!

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🥇European Champion

🥇2 x European Champion No-GI

🥇Pan American No-GI

🥇World No-Gi


Lara Fernandez

Muay Thai

I am currently using the gummies, muscle creams, cosmetics and oils. The first time I tried the gummies in Thailand, I couldn't sleep for a few days and it was amazing because when I took them, I slept through the night! The same thing happened with the oil. I had tried CBD before but I didn't feel any effect and with the Weedness products it was completely different.

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2019 🥇 ISKA K1 World Champion


2019 🥇Spanish Muay Thai Champion FEKM


2020 🥇WBC Muay Thai World Champion


2021 🥉Bronze IFMA MUAY THAI Bronze medalist


⭐️Current ONE Championship professional fighter⭐️

Philosophy and Values


At the core of our company is HONESTY. WEEDNESS CBD provides products that not only meet but exceed our customers' expectations for quality. These products stem from our desire to offer only the best. Under the strict supervision of experts, our product range has been created with the intention of supporting and supporting various aspects of health and well-being. We are committed to offering high quality, fully legal, certified THC-free products to ensure the highest level of safety for our customers.

About us
Founder / CEO Borislav Valchanov

