How to Calm a Puppy Down at Night? 8 Ways | Weedness CBD


How to Calm a Puppy Down at Night? 8 Ways


Raising a puppy is great, but it also has challenges. One of the biggest challenges is getting the puppy to lie quietly and sleep at night. Do you know how to calm a puppy down at night?: Presenting you with some tricks that may help your puppy relax at night is a strict bedtime ritual, quiet and comfort in the sleeping space, and, if needed, soothing music or calming diffusers for dogs.


These tips will help you learn how to calm a puppy down at night so that you may be guiding your furry friend toward a more relaxed state of mind and sleep. Hence, you should spend your time in a good way and get rest for the night.

How to Calm a Puppy Down at Night? 8 Best Tips

Keep reading if you want to learn and understand your puppy's healthcare:

Establish a Bedtime Routine

Maintaining a bedtime routine is among the most essential.

Bedtime Routine

It helps to wind them down and get them ready for sleeping. 

  • Begin by giving your puppy a set sleeping time, which you must stick to as often as possible every evening. 

  • Start with a relatively mellow, sleepy activity such as gentle brushing or slow walking around the block. This will let your puppy know it's time to wind down and help it sleep peacefully. 

  • Follow up the activity by taking your puppy outside for one last potty break, ensuring they are comfortable and ready to sleep; then, when you come inside, please give him a small yet healthy treat and then guide them to their sleeping quarters. 

  • Building a routine will help your puppy learn that specific activities like napping are connected with falling asleep, allowing it to transition to rest more easily.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

A comfortable sleep needs a comfortable space and environment. Allowing any dog ​​to relax and have a good, sound sleep is critical. Take your puppy to a quiet area with reduced light, which would be best where his crate or sleeping corner typically is. 

Line their bed with soft, comfortable bedding, and ensure it is free of sights and noises that could distract them. Drape a crate cover or furniture over the top to shut out their view and create a cozy, den-like atmosphere. 

Some puppies who appear anxious or restless respond to the security of a ticking clock or warm water bottle placed beside their bed to simulate their mother's and littermates' comforting sounds and warmth.

Provide a Security Blanket or Toy

Give your puppy a security blanket or toy to make it feel like something familiar is near it. Thus, it will be more accessible and secure during the night. The object must be generally soft and cuddly, something your puppy can snuggle with, like a plush toy or an article of clothing holding your scent. 

Puppy sleeping arrangements

Something familiar beside them creates warmth and lets them know they are not alone. If he is attached to one toy or blanket, keeping it near his side at night might give him some sense of security.

Provide Calming Aids

If all else fails, here are a few calming aids you can use with your puppy to help him relax enough to settle down at night. 

  • Utilize CBD for pets, diffusers, or sprays around the area of ​​their Kennel or Crate to minimize their stress and anxiety. Such products mimic the natural pheromones mothers emit to their puppies to make them feel safe and confident in their environment. 

  • Otherwise, you might want to listen to soothing music or even white noise on a player, which may help mask any outside sounds disturbing your puppy's attempt to fall asleep. 

Some owners have had good results with calming CBD supplements or essential oils, but it's always best to talk with your vet before giving anything like these to your pup. They can advise if the compound is safe and appropriate for your puppy.

Try Giving CBD

CBD, or cannabidiol, has created a severe following in the form of a natural relaxant for feeling anxious pets. While very little research focuses on its effectiveness, specifically in dogs, several studies show that it has a sedating effect, which reduces anxiety-related behaviors. 

Suppose you will try out the calmer use of CBD for your puppy during the night. In that case, you should source a quality product intended for specific use for pets and carefully review the dosage. Always consult your veterinarian before adding any new supplement to your puppy's diet.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Ensuring your puppy gets sufficient exercise and mental stimulation during the day will help it sleep better at night. In most cases, if a puppy is well-exercised, it will be tired by bedtime and ready to sleep. You can do this by taking a walk with your puppy, playing fetch with them, or offering a couple of puzzle toys to give them a chance to flush out some extra energy. 

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Apart from that, good exercise and mental stimulation leading up to bedtime will tire them out so they are not bored—thereby reducing any potential barking/whining likely at night.

Gradual Adjustment to Solitude

If your puppy is generally anxious or distressed when you leave them behind at night, it will be good if they are gradually exposed to lying down to sleep without your presence. 

First, let your puppy sleep in his sleeping place for very short periods while you are in the same room; then increase the time as time goes by and your puppy becomes more comfortable. This will help the puppy learn that being alone in his sleeping area does not concern him, hence no separation anxiety. Therefore, this is also how to calm a puppy down at night. 

Be Patient and Consistent

Calming a puppy at night requires time, patience, and consistency. Again, note the differences between each puppy; some may perform better with specific techniques than others. Therefore, this calls for patience with the puppy while hanging onto some consistent calming strategies. Feel free to switch to a different method when one does not appear to work, and seek further ideas from your veterinarian or professional dog trainers.


Among the most important strategies for growth and bonding with you is calming your puppy down at night. Follow the bedtime routine, sleep environment, calming aids, adequate exercise, and mental stimulation so the puppy sleeps well and wakes up refreshed with a bang, ready to start a new day. Be patient, persistent, and willing to try everything until what works for your furry friend comes out.